At Justine’s you can find the thirst quenching beverages you crave during those St. Michalel’s hot and humid summer days and nights.
Besides soda, ice tea, bottled water we offer freshly squeezed lemonade and of course, old-fashioned ice cream sodas, our special root beer floats, and egg creams!!! (Yes, we know how to make them…We do it with original FOXES chocolate and vanilla syrups from Brooklyn… the old-fashioned way.
You’ll find freshly brewed local coffee provided by our business partner “Rise Up”.
Rise Up Coffee has been an independent small-batch coffee roaster and retailer since March 2005. Rise Up originated from an explosive combination of ambition and circumstance. Owner Tim Cureton had what would prove to be a life changing coffee experience while traveling home from the Peace Corps service. The love affair with great coffees had begun. From the complexity of taste, global reach, and the connection provided to other world cultures, coffee continues to fascinate.
You will find you favorite Sodas- Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta.

Old-fashioned Ice Cream Soda
- Bottle Water
- Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite
- Fanta Orange, Root Beer made with syrup and seltzer water
- Ice Tea
- Freshly Squeezed Lemonade
- Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Soda and Root Beer Floats
- Espresso
- Coffee
- Hot Chocolate
- Hot Tea
- and … New York Egg Creams (made with original New York Delicatessen Foxy’s Chocoalte or Vanilla Syrup! )